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411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23


TVoice was founded in 2013 under the law of Hong Kong & Singapore.

TVoice Telecom is an Exclusive Telecommunication service provider, specializing in wholesale voice termination, aggregation and transit services providing competitive pricing with best services. We offer International Voice & SMS (A2P). We are directly interconnected with major voice carriers worldwide for VoIP termination. We carry millions of minutes on our network on VoIP.

With our wide range of destinations, we have directly established business relations with many large operators owning expertise in the industry. Our Core Values are Quality Routes, Competitiveness & Transparency. As a leading voice service provider we are flexible and can meet the dynamic requirements of our global partners – offering several routing options and service levels depending on the customers’ requirements. Our partner base ranges from major telco, major carriers, mobile network operators, private route operators, calling card operators, resellers and ISP’s whom benefit from competitive rates and an individual approach and highly responsive service and as to-date we are serving over 400 of them and growing.